The former is indicative of the value that could be unlocked if Kopy decides to start a mining activity, the latter of the potential value for a buyer. Due to the increase in the gold price and higher sector valuations we arrive at a higher value of Kopy Goldfields. Our new fair value is SEK 3,0 per share (2.6). Läs hela analysen på Analysguiden.
Kopy Goldfields has finished the first drilling season in the exploration of the Maly Patom licenses. Although no commercial grade ore bearing layers were found, the structure supports the possibility of such findings of at least 1 Moz of gold. More exploration will be needed.
Prenumerera här. Analys Kopy Goldfields: Higher gold a timely boon? 2018-10 -15. 31 mar 2021 Kopy Goldfields / -25% / Insiderköp är alltid mycket goda nyheter! Analysfirman Edison, som ändå har detta med analys och värdering till 10:00 Kopy Goldfields telefonkonferens 13:00 Nobia kapitalmarknadsdag. ANNONS.
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Kopy Goldfields / Analys / Analys. 2020-10-18 10:39. Ska bli intressant att se hur nästa analys hamnar. Det bör bli en ordentlig uppdatering. 2021 lär bli ett 3 ANALYSGUIDEN ANALYSIS BY ASSIGNMENT UPDATE KOPY GOLDFIELDS February 26, 2020 New exploration 2019 drilling program in Maly Patom concluded Kopy Goldfield explored the two target areas of Zhelanny and Alemakitsky. Köp aktier i Kopy Goldfields - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage.
Teknisk analys Kopy Goldfields (KOPY.ST). Senaste slutkurs: 1.80 (-0.04), 2 mar 2021. Candlesticks (Endast för abonnenter); Kort sikt (Endast för abonnenter)
Kopy Goldfields has finished the first drilling season in the exploration of the Maly Patom licenses. Although no commercial grade ore bearing layers were found, the structure supports the possibility of such findings of at least 1 Moz of gold. More exploration will be needed. Detta är en betald analys på uppdrag av Kopy Goldfields utförd av Analysguiden Important steps The reverse takeover by gold exploration company Kopy Goldfields of Russian gold producer Amur Zoloto was, as expected, approved by authorities and is now fully completed.
Kopy Goldfields har glädjen att tillkännage positiva resultat från en Genomsnittligt guldpris - 1 670 USD/oz (känslighetsanalys visar positivt
Faldende trender indikerer, at virksomheden er inde i en negativ udvikling, og at købsinteressen blandt investorerne er aftagende. Aktien har marginalt brudt ned igennem støtten ved cirka 2.00 kronor. Etableret brud vil indikere videre nedgang. Kopy Goldfields has reported its first full year results as a Russian gold producer following the Amur Zoloto reverse acquisition (the comparative 2019 results are for Amur Zoloto only).
Description, "New Kopy" refers to Kopy Goldfields after the Reverse Takeover of Amur Zoloto.
Deklarering til produktregisteret
Riktkurs på 6-9 månaders sikt är 2,04 efter utspädning, om arbetet med Krasny-licensen går bra. Kopy also retains a 49% interest in the Krasny project and 100% of the Maly Patom exploration licences. Investment summary. Kopy Goldfields has reported its first Investera i prospekterings- och försäljningsaktiviteter för Krasny, ett guldprojekt på väg till produktion.
Prenumerera på Kopy Goldfields.
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Kopy Goldfields - Basic Resources - Analysguiden. Prenumerera på Kopy Goldfields. Om bolaget . Kopy Goldfields är ett svenskt prospekteringsbolag inom guldindustrin. Företagets flera prospekteringsprojekt är berggrundsprojekt i olika stadier och ägs till fullo av företaget.
Kopy Goldfields analys: Riktkurs till vintern 1,76. Extern part har investerat 57 miljoner i bolaget för att få tillgång till halva Krasny (en av bolagets licen Sparade filter. Terminal. Screener.
3 ANALYSGUIDEN ANALYSIS BY ASSIGNMENT UPDATE KOPY GOLDFIELDS February 26, 2020 New exploration 2019 drilling program in Maly Patom concluded Kopy Goldfield explored the two target areas of Zhelanny and Alemakitsky.
Om bolaget .
Find out if 0KR (XSTU) is the best investment for you. Start a 14-day free trial to Morningstar Premium to unlock our take on 0KR. Kopy Goldfields 2020 Capital Markets Update October 30, 2020; Participation in the digital event “Småbolagsdagarna 2020” held by Aktiespararna June 12, 2020; Company Presentation PDAC 2020 March 6, 2020; Research Analysis Update – Gold Price Lifts Project Value February 26, 2020 Kopy Goldfields 2020 Capital Markets Update October 30, 2020; Participation in the digital event “Småbolagsdagarna 2020” held by Aktiespararna June 12, 2020; Company Presentation PDAC 2020 March 6, 2020; Research Analysis Update – Gold Price Lifts Project Value February 26, 2020 Kopy Goldfields has finished the first drilling season in the exploration of the Maly Patom licenses. Although no commercial grade ore bearing layers were found, the structure supports the possibility of such findings of at least 1 Moz of gold.